Friday Help Sessions
The CEE department will hold weekly homework and tutoring sessions on Fridays. If you have any questions or want to do homework together with your peers, undergraduate TAs, and graduate TAs with their help, please join!
Time: 3 - 6 PM
Location: Al Geib Library (CAST 136)
TAs: Ryan Johns, Rahul Anand, Prakash Bhandari, and Caressa Wakeman.
Light refreshments will be provided!

Open Office Hours 
All CEE students are welcome to the following office hours of fundamental Civil Engineering courses. If you have any questions, please stop by!

CE 2710

Instructor: Prof. John Ivan

Office hours:

Graduate Teaching Assistants:

Sruthi Mantri

Olu Olufowobi

Sruthi: W 10 AM - noon (CAST 136)

Olu: M 10 AM – noon (CAST 210)

UG Teaching Assistant:

Elizabeth Doyle

Tu 9-11:30 AM; 3:30-5 PM (CAST 210)


CE 2110

Instructor: Prof. Shinae Jang

Office hours:

Graduate Teaching Assistants:

Rahul Anand

Devin Rhoads

Rahul: F 2 PM – 4 PM (CAST 136)

Devin: W 3-5 PM (CAST 136)

UG Teaching Assistant:

Ryan Johns

F 4-6PM (CAST 136)


CE 3110

Instructor: Prof. Sarira Motaref

Office hours:


Sarira Motaref

Sarira: MF 11:30AM - 1PM (ELL-310)

Graduate Teaching Assistants:

Nathan Deming

Sachin Tripathi

Ana Carolina Vieira Rocha

Nathan: Tu 3:30-5:30PM (CAST 136)

Sachin: W 2-4PM (CAST 136)

Ana: Th 9-11AM (CAST 136)