CEE Laboratory Access and Key Distribution Policy

At the request of CEE faculty, a formal departmental policy has been developed in order to be able to communicate to various entities requesting laboratory access. Download the CEE Laboratory Access and Key Distribution Policy.

For more information about laboratory access, please contact Dr. Michael Cohen via email at

CEE Laboratory Safety Policies & Procedures Manual

In order to effectively communicate the required University Safety Policies, Programs and Procedures to CEE staff, faculty and student employees, CEE has developed a CEE Safety Policy and Procedure’s manual. Download the manual.

In order to gain access to CEE’s laboratories, employees are required to review and adhere to the Policies, Programs and Procedures set forth by EH&S. Gaining laboratory access requires satisfying the requirements of the above manual and completing the appropriate form.

CEE Laboratory Access Form

Graduate Research Assistants (RAs), Teaching Assistants (TAs), and Visiting Scholars can obtain keys to the laboratory space in which they will be working by completing the CEE Laboratory Access Form documenting authorization from the professor in charge of the laboratory and passing all safety training requirements.

If you have questions on lab access, please contact the PI of the respective lab as listed below. Additional questions may be addressed to Dr. Michael Cohen.

Civil Engineering Labs Environmental Engineering Labs
106-110 (Concrete Materials Lab)
Dr. Kay Wille
101-102 (Geotechnical / Soils Lab)
Dr. Maria Chrysochoou
111 (Smart Structures and Applied Mechanics Lab)
Dr. Ramesh Malla
Dr. Shinae Jang
105 (Geoenvironmental Lab)
Dr. Maria Chrysochoou
115 (Structures Lab)
Dr. Richard Christensen
Dr. Kay Wille
Dr. Arash Zaghi
112-113 (Water Quality Lab)
Dr. Tim Vadas
210 (Transportation Engineering Lab)
Dr. Nicholas Lownes
Dr. John Ivan
Dr. Norman Garrick
114 (Environmental Monitoring Lab)
Dr. Ross Bagtzoglou
Dr. Wei Zhang
215-218 (Environmental Engineering Lab)
Dr. Baikun Li
Dr. Maria Chrysochoou
Dr. Tim Vadas

Environmental health and Safety (EHS)

UConn has established Safety Policies, Programs and Procedures to promote safety to the public at the university. This has been developed by UConn’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), a Division of Health and Environmental Public Safety. EHS provides these Policies, Programs and Procedures in response to regulatory requirements and/or University committee decisions. Therefore, these items are MANDATORY in nature, and must be followed by all departments and individuals to ensure compliance for laboratory safety access at UConn. CEE adheres to all of these university policies, programs and procedures, as well as the UConn’s Unauthorized Individuals in Laboratories Policy to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and staff while working in our laboratories.

Abiding to this policy also ensures protection and security of our costly laboratory equipment and infrastructure by restricting access to untrained and outside individuals. If you have questions regarding required laboratory training of safety protocols, please contact EHS.