UConn Student Awarded Chi Epsilon Scholarship

UConn engineering student Genevieve Rigler was selected by the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society to receive a $2000 scholarship. Genevieve Rigler is a fifth-year EuroTech student majoring in German studies and civil engineering. She has focused on both transportation and environmental engineering during her undergraduate degree. Over the past year she has been working with Dr. Zoi Dokou and Dr. Emmanouil Anagnostou in the Environmental Engineering Department on the PIRE Food and Water Security Project. She completed an internship with PIRE partner International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington, DC for the project and plans to continue to connect practical engineering with impactful policy.  Genevieve is grateful to begin her master’s in environmental engineering at UConn in Spring 2020 and to have the opportunity to continue working with the PIRE research team. Her focus will be on hydrology and the educational citizen science component of the project.