On Becoming an Anti-Racist University

Principles and recommendations for universities from Black Engineering faculty

The following text is from https://blackinengineering.org/action-item-list/.


July 15, 2020

In 2018, Prof. Ibram X. Kendi laid out a vision for an anti-racist America [1]. As Black faculty — who dedicate our livelihoods to university systems that are not “designed with us in mind;” who daily suffer from unequal burdens that affect our experiences on campus, how we perform our jobs, how our work is perceived, and literally what and who we bring home to our families each night — we have asked ourselves what would the anti-racist university look like? In building on Dr. Kendi’s vision, what about an anti-racist university where:

  1. we honestly acknowledge and repair our university’s and society’s racial histories?
  2. we examine our biases and begin to unlearn them?
  3. a student’s success is not dependent on their identity, high school, or their knowledge of “the hidden curriculum”?
  4. the efforts of black staff, faculty, and students in building and improving the institution are acknowledged, applauded, and rewarded?
  5. instructors implement a classroom structure that fosters equity and improves learning outcomes?
  6. administrators commit resources and people to actionable goals in recruiting, retaining, and supporting Black faculty, staff, and students?
  7. Black members of the university are welcomed as full participants, rather than treated as tokens of diversity?

Read more here.