Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction

Graduate Certificate in Engineering

The Graduate Certificate in Engineering is a 12-credit graduate-level advanced certificate program  that merges the benefits of technical engineering courses with professional development classes. The  Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers a Graduate Certificate in Contaminated Site Remediation and Bridge Engineering. Advanced certificate programs are perfect for those who are employed full time as practicing engineers, as well as for those interested in expanding their skills before entering industry.

Contaminated Site Remediation Certificate

Contaminated Site Remediation  

The Contaminated Site Remediation Certificate will train you to use appropriate tools and techniques for the planning and design of site investigations and waste containment systems. Students will understand physical, chemical, and biological processes governing contaminant fate and behavior in the subsurface. Students will apply the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological principles of soil and groundwater treatment methods to design comprehensive remediation strategies for contaminated sites. Learn more here.

Bridge Engineering Certificate

Bridge Engineering  

Motivated by the declining state of infrastructure and the number of bridges approaching the end of their service life, this certificate program in Bridge Engineering aims to train engineers in critical areas of bridge design and evaluation including Fundamentals of Bridge Design, Accelerated Bridge Construction, Designing Bridges for Extreme Events, and Load Rating of Bridges. Certificate holders will be well qualified for bridge engineering positions with state departments of transportation or private industry. Learn more here.