New Book Co-Authored by Dr. Nicholas Lownes Explores Transportation Network Analysis

Dr. Nicholas Lownes, Associate Professor, Associate Director of Transportation & Urban Engineering, and Associate Director of Construction Management, has co-authored a new book, Transportation Network Analysis: Volume I: Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment.

Co-written with Dr. Stephen D. Boyles and Dr. Avinash Unnikrishnan, this book provides a comprehensive examination of traffic assignment models, a crucial component in transportation planning and network analysis. It presents both classical and contemporary methodologies, offering a valuable resource for those seeking to understand advancements in the field.

About the Book:

Traffic assignment models serve as the foundation of transportation network analysis, playing a key role in transportation planning. This book offers insights into:

  • Static and dynamic traffic assignment methodologies
  • Classical and modern solution techniques used in contemporary planning software
  • Mathematical and optimization foundations, with additional resources for those new to the field

The primary audience includes graduate students, transportation practitioners, and researchers. Additional materials, including slides and updates, will be available online.

Volume II, currently in development, will expand on the topics covered in this volume by addressing transit, freight, and logistics models.

For more information about Dr. Lownes’ research and contributions to transportation engineering, visit his page on the SoCEE site.